See how Small Projects Istanbul maximized efficiency in communicating and diverted their focus to more important matters with their organized WhatsApp inbox.

Small Projects Istanbul is a community-based organization that strives to provide a safe space and a community in Istanbul, Turkey to over 300 displaced families due to conflicts in Syria, Middle East, and the North Africa Region.

They run a five-story establishment with multiple community service facilities that aim to provide psychosocial support, education, protection, and programs that enable refugees to develop adequate income-generating and practical skills. Through the said programs, community members are going to be equipped to start a new life in Turkey; a place they can now call home.


As the community is continuously growing, circulating important information to stakeholders is getting tougher and tougher for the management. Spending over 4 hours a day just to go through their WhatsApp inbox is consuming precious time that they could utilize for more urgent matters.

Solutions and Impacts

With the goal of reducing distraction and maximizing efficiency, management reached out to Cooby for help. Within just a few weeks of subscribing to Cooby, they have noticed a significant difference in time consumed sorting through messages and organizing their inbox. Now, they are able to divert more attention and focus on their programs.

Learn more about SPI (Small Projects Istanbul)

"Cooby created a massive impact on our business. Our teams became more efficient and effective in managing clients on WhatsApp."

Pascal Lammers
Head of Digitization, Mission Mittelstand GmbH

Acerca del autor

Maybelline Olivan
Marketing Manager

Ex-Product Associate in Growsari. Talks about #marketing, #startups, #globaltrends and #community.

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